Sunday, October 12, 2008

Memoirs of The Hill Series 1

So the public may know, a classmate- friend in the Visayas was telling me about SEX. SEX is actually an abbreviation for Society of Ex-Cams. I was floored! What a brilliant idea! Of course, I insisted on being enlisted as a founding member.

See, sex and seminary and seminarians and their masters are inseparable. They are mutually dependent and therefore, a necessity. Which brought my favorite (e)rector and dean into some kind of oral intimacy, as intimated to us by a fellow who had witnessed that passionate lip-locking moment where else but in the blissful quarters of the frailes at The Hill.

Sex and the various attempts to do it in whatever form and position or relation is not uncommon in an abnormally cloistered confines like the seminary/semenary. Trust the seminarians' creative imagination. This is about the only thing that requires no Call Slip or Out of Campus Slip that should bear the signature of Padre Pio. Everybody has a license to it and only the felines waive their licenses to do it themselves, but not giving up/given up on someone else doing it on them. Oh, that mystery byte, I remember. Or, that padre plumber digging holes at dawn. Or that confessor (bless his soul) licking the hand of the confessee, name it and you have it. Or, of used rubbers sticking out of the windows in that infamous infirmary whose wards had most of the time firmed themselves with little help from madonna reincarnates. We can go on and on but it's too premature to spill the beans here.

I shall have more of the above in the succeeding posts.


Ariel said...

Now you are talking. This covenant with truth and this act of truth-telling is going to be first in the annals of centuries of secrecy and quiet, ha!

Bukidnon said...

We should impose a deadline to our dreams, of our planned Tales. We should launch our book on February 2009, in time for that Lellianic moment of truth-its enveiling, its revealing, its hurting. It is possible? Or we can time it during summer, when you come around to smell the stench of your wretched republic.

Ariel said...

I go for it. challenge ka loren to come join our voltes 5 squad of truth-telling. might come around to our wretched republic in early june, instead of may. might go for a conference on language struggle in azores, portugal, assuming i would be able to scrimp for fare given the depression 2 we are in right now. now, now, this is serious, with all the cost-cutting around, including the one for the brains. but back to our project: we really mean it to be a best-seller, ha!

Bukidnon said...

We don't churn out less than bestsellers. I know it's going to be one, trust me. We have the right materials, people, and everything right is on our side. So there's no reason why it can't be a BIG BIG BANG!

Ariel said...

k, let's go for it.